
Style arithmetic

Gap Commercial


Paula Abdul Video


New Beyonce Video


When Times Are Tough

In this blog we separate style from substance. This is not necessarily the difference between surface and depth, instead, I like to think of it as the how and the what. Substance is what you wear, style is how you wear it. I also think it's important to separate style from fashion, although fashion can be stylish and style is always fashionable.

We mentioned before the question of creativity during tough times. Creativity needs a box to break out of. This can be an issue of economics or any factor that sets a limit or barrier. I always liked the example of old Hollywood. In 1930, the Hays code was a self imposed censorship upon the Motion Picture Industry. One can see a definite sense of style or creativity in films of the 1930s as they found ways around blatant use of profanity, sex and violence.

With the small pockets in our tight jeans holding less cash how much more creative do we get? Don't deny the ingenious of forgoing the bologna on our sandwich and just having mustard and mayonnaise.

Style is everywhere and the more we are forced to think about our choices, the more we see it flourish.